True Haven - a Regency-style fantasy

I don't remember my dreams as a rule, but one morning, I sat upright, astonished. What a strange dream, I said.

Oh? (Said my husband, who has dreams you don't want to imagine.)

Well, I said. It's about a lantern and a world within a world ...

It sounds bonkers, and it was, but I thought there might be a story in it. So, I fiddled about and came up with True Haven. It's a Regency-style fantasy adventure, I think. The adjectives are an after-thought.

It probably came about because I was lucky enough to live in Bath for a few years, and somehow this worked itself into a story.

I needed some strange science. I got it. Thanks, Rob. My uber-consultant. His fees are quite reasonable.

And this week, Crooked Cat has said 'yes'. Thank you, Laurence and Steph. You do like to take chances! Well, Bath is a fun place and makes the mind spin.

I wonder what folks will make of it? 

Pamela Kelt
