Life and death in Fife

You submit a manuscript. You wait to hear some promising news ... And then all you get is junk mail from Tesco and Argos about furniture and household products that just fills you full of sighs.

I can be patient. I can be good. To prevent implosion, I actually found the time to write a review for the most delightful historical murder mystery book I've read in simply ages. If you have a penchant for an 18th-century Austenesque tale, with pre-Gothic gloom, then the stories by the modestly brilliant Lexie Conyngham are the most perfect offering as the nights draw in ... at Scoggie Castle. (I can hear Brian Cox in my head already.) I'm currently reading Knowledge of Sins Past. You simply can't say it in an English voice. You just can't.

The next trick is to do the casting, when one has one of those nights when one can't sleep for the high winds in the battlements. Major Keyes? David Robb, of course, but I'm stuck on who should play Murray of Letho himself. Ewan, maybe? When he gets back from the Yemen.


  1. Thank you so much for this lovely review! Let me know when you've finished casting it so I can text my Hollywood agent ...:)

    1. Thought I'd better put it up on Amazon, too, appropriately reworded.

  2. Of course! In fact, I've just finished reading Service of the Heir. My daughter's been studying the Scottish Enlightenment, so I felt quite at home with all the Raeburns. Great book.

    If you like Scottish mystery, my first MuseItUp title's coming out in June - Dark Interlude - set partly in Glasgow. Bit of cheek, actually, given my Edinburgh background!

    1. Oh, I'm so slow! I've only just read this. I can't seem to access the website - is the book on Amazon?


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