I’ll give you the tip …

Kenilworth is the epitome of middle England. The geographical centre, Meriden, is only down the road from us. As part of its Kenilworthiness, it has a great tip. I know it well, having spent the past few months de-jungling our garden. Eighty bags of clippings, give or take a hernia.

Where is this all leading? Well, not only do I recycle trees, I’m starting to thin down the numbers of books in the house. We can’t move for them! I can’t face selling them, but I thought I’d donate a boxful to charity. Hence, another trip to the tip, where there’s an excellent junkyard shop which raises cash for good causes.

Problem is, they don’t take books any more! Sign of the times.

So, off I went to a charity shop down the road, and they did take books. The customers were genuinely surprised, too. It seems that real books have no resale value, which is sad.
