A few years ago, Rob was invited to officiate a PhD viva in Tromso, Norway. Intrigued, I wangled my way along. I'd never been that far north before - and it was boggling.
What a good name for a cocktail! To celebrate the launch, I came up with this: The Eye of the Skython, in all its purple glory.
Teaspoon of crème de mûres (or cassis)
Teaspoon of blue curação
Sliver of black grape (for effect!)
I particularly loved the old museum on the harbour, with photos and artefacts relating to the mad explorers who sailed from Tromso to Spitsbergen. I have a sneaking feeling that Philip Pullman, author of the Dark Materials trilogy, visited the same place. Polar bears, northern lights, hot air balloons ... sound familiar?
Anyway, not to be outdone, I came up with my own adventure - Ice Trekker. Monsters, myths and mayhem.
The first strange creature the young hero Mitch encounters is a skython.
The first strange creature the young hero Mitch encounters is a skython.
What a good name for a cocktail! To celebrate the launch, I came up with this: The Eye of the Skython, in all its purple glory.
Teaspoon of crème de mûres (or cassis)
Teaspoon of blue curação
Sliver of black grape (for effect!)
Mix the two liqueurs until you have a concentrated purple. Top up with Prosecco and float the grape. Off you go.
Hope you enjoy it.
By Pamela Kelt
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