Half Life: #1 Arctic Breeze

Half Life: cocktail #1 Arctic Breeze

Cocktail time. The bluest and the best. This is the Arctic Breeze, devised to celebrate Half Life, a film noir mystery thriller I co-wrote with my husband Rob (pictured below), inspired by a trip to Norway. Off we go.

One measure of vodka
One measure of dry martini
Half measure of triple sec
Juice of half a lemon
Half a teaspoon of blue curaƧao.

Add to shaker. Add handful of ice. Shake and pour. It should come out a lovely, pale, polar blue. (If I were to use more blue curacao, it would make my tongue blue, which is a bit peculiar.) If you're being fancy, frost a glass. Here's how. Dab of lemon juice round the rim. Dip into caster sugar in a saucer and store in fridge. Cool.

By Pamela Kelt
