Crooked Cats' Tales - free on Smashwords

Time to celebrate a new anthology of short stories by a group of contemporary authors.

Crooked Cats' Tales features 20 stories in all genres by chart-topping writers from the exciting publisher, Crooked Cat.

Today (April 23) is the online launch - do come along. Currently, it's free on Smashwords, and on Amazon for 99p (charity contribution).

My contribution is Cocktail Hour, a Nordic-noir inspired tale inspired by a visit to the Finnish archipelago last summer.

The setting was dramatic (above) and quite beautiful, although I wouldn't like to be there in January, for instance. Below is a wonderful landscape painting by my daughter Lauren, who was much taken by the scenery.

There's a collection of photos on Pinterest, but the best photos are on my daughter's blog, Brunch at Tiffany's.
