A supernatural story for spring

One chilly day just two weeks, we finally visited St Peter ad Vincula, a mammoth piece of Victorian architecture in the tiny village of Hampton Lucy.

The gargoyles alone are worth a visit, but the whole edifice is breathtaking, with its stunning stained glass, floral flooring and archetypal English churchyard (see a previous blog posting).

It’s a must for fans of the Gothic, and inspired the second in a seasonal series I’ve been doing. The newest title, Last Spring, is set in the late 1920s, when three celestial phenomena coincide ...

A Supermoon (although they didn’t call it that in those days), the vernal equinox and a total solar eclipse.

Sound familiar? You'll see why I wanted to get it published before March 20!

I used my own photo of the grotesque carvings for the cover, btw.

If you fancy a chilling story this March, you’ll find Last Spring free on Smashwords, along with part one, A Walk in the Park.

By Pamela Kelt
