Cyano prints on display

I'm rather enjoying my recent foray into digital negative cyanotypes. In fact, two of my digital negative prints are on display at Temperance in Bath Street, Leamington, at a photo exhibition until June 4. Owner Adrian Gains put out a call for photographers to submit five pieces earlier in the year. Adrian said: “The panel had around 150 images to choose from and the quality of submissions was extremely high, making the selection of final images difficult.”

There’s a wide range of images and styles from the local photogaphers and all of their photographs (framed/ unframed) are for sale at reasonable prices (no commission so all sales go to the artist). One of mine is in the poster (above) - it's called Secret Garden and was printed from an image taken at Packwood House.

The other contributors include: Pam Alexander, Odie Evans, Hilary Roberts, James Carro, Tim Evans, Richard Earp, Julie Swinsco, Peter Lovelock, Judy Dyson, Gerald Collins, Janine King, Rob Musgrove, Kate Barry, Simon Derry, Lynne Gougean, Laurence Iles, Eduardo Moran Ruiz, Peter Corbett, Brett Smith, Alex Johnson, Alan Ranger Photography and Janet Boulter.

Do drop in. It's a delightful venue at the heart of the old town. Read more in the Courier.
