Summer art showcase

Nearly 100 artists submitted a piece to be part of the Litten Tree Summer Show, which is turning out to be a fantastic showcase for the skills and creativity of a diverse cross-section of visual artists from Warwickshire and Coventry.

The exhibition runs at the LTB Showrooms, 1 Warwick Road, in the Litten Tree, Coventry, between 12pm and 4pm from Thursday, June 2 to Saturday, 11 June. The exhibition will include 2D and 3D pieces across the full range of art forms.  Do drop in.

The exhibition is also a great taster for the WOS Summer Art Weeks event starting on Saturday, 18 June. 

It is easily accessed by public transport and there are plenty of car parks close by – just keep an eye out for our colourful signage. The postcode is CV1 1EX. 

More info and a gallery of the work can be found at WOS22 Summer Show | Warwickshire Open Studios
My entry is Lone Tree. It’s a ‘wet’ cyanotype print and collage, using acids, paper, botanicals and salts to create a swirling, abstract scene. For more information on what BlueFernPrints will be doing during the art weeks, please visit Pam Kelt @ WOS.
